Is Healthy You Vending profitable? You pay $1,650 per machine to HealthyYOU Vending’s Prime Healthy Locations division – ONE TIME – and don’t pay a commission on your locations over 90% of the time, ever. You pay less for locations, get mediocre results, plus pay a 25% commission (about HALF of your profit per machine – ouch!) for each machine.
How much does it cost to buy a healthy vending machine? What Does a Healthy YOU Vending Opportunity Cost? To buy an opportunity with Healthy YOU Vending, you’ll need to have at least $55,000 in liquid capital. Owners can expect to make a total investment of $55,000 – $185,000. Healthy YOU Vending charges NO franchise fees.
How do I start a healthy vending machine business?
- Consider your vending machine options.
- Find the right location for your vending machine.
- Find your vending machine.
- Stock your vending machine with inventory.
- Explore your financing options.
- Make the right investments.
- Vending machine business advantages.
Is Healthy You Vending machines a pyramid scheme? Bluntly stated, “healthy vending” is, for the most part, a scam. And, the overwhelming majority of individuals who do business with companies specializing in healthy vending pay unconscionable sums for the exact same vending machines that are available without a proprietary logo for one-third the price.