What is the healthiest thing to get at Dutch Bros?

What is the healthiest thing to get at Dutch Bros? 

The best low calorie drinks at Dutch Bros are:
  • Toasted White Mocha Cold Brew (180 calories)
  • Rebel Energy Aftershock (240 calories)
  • Tiger’s Blood Strawberry and Coconut Lemonade (240 calories)
  • Peach Rebel (260 calories)
  • Watermelon Soda (290 calories)
  • Electric Berry Lime and Blue Raspberry Rebel (310 calories)

How do you make healthy Dutch Bros? To make your drink healthier, try out one of the non-dairy ones. The Dutch Bros Coffee Menu has options like coconut, soy and almond milk along with dairy ones as well. My personal favorite is the almond milk, I think the nutty taste is a nice addition to the coffee and is an excellent alternative to dairy milk.

Can you get sugar free drinks at Dutch Bros? All of our classic menu drinks (Kicker®, 911®, Annihilator®, Caramelizer®, Cocomo®, White Mocha, Double Chocolate Mocha, Double Torture®, Golden Eagle®) can be made sugar free! We are also happy to handcraft a specialty sugar free drink for you.

How many calories is in a sugar Free Golden Eagle from Dutch Bros? Let’s check out the nutritional facts: Small: 410 calories.

What is a dirty girl at Dutch Bros?

If they don’t know what it is, ask for a Rebel with blackberry and almond. Dirty White Girl: The same drink as above but with white chocolate added as well. Double Rainbro: Strawberry, peach, and coconut all infused into a Rebel. Sounds good, eh bro.

How many calories are in a sugar free Annihilator from Dutch Bros?

Nutrition summary:

There are 110 calories in 1 serving (16 oz) of Dutch Bros.

How many calories are in Dutch Bros sugar free syrup?

Nutrition Facts
Calories 0 (0 kJ)
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Sodium 11 mg 0%
Total Carbohydrate 0 g 0%
Dietary Fiber 0 g 0%

How many calories is a golden eagle at Dutch Bros?

Nutrition Facts
Calories 550 (2301 kJ)
Cholesterol 150 mg 50%
Sodium 230 mg 10%
Total Carbohydrate 55 g 18%
Dietary Fiber 0 g 0%

How many calories are in a large golden eagle from Dutch Bros?

Nutrition Facts
Calories 760 (3180 kJ)
Cholesterol 250 mg 83%
Sodium 330 mg 14%
Total Carbohydrate 61 g 20%
Dietary Fiber 0 g 0%

What is in a golden eagle Dutch Bros?

The Golden Eagle® is a creamy breve featuring bold espresso, half and half, vanilla syrup and caramel sauce, then topped with whipped cream and a caramel sauce drizzle. Available hot, iced or blended, making it a versatile drink for any day!

What is a Christmas morning at Dutch Bros?

Well, like all chai drinks at Dutch Bros, the Christmas Morning is made with the Oregon Chai tea latte base – an instant powder mix or concentrate, half and half, and white chocolate syrup. The chai tea packets are dissolved with water while the half and half is added later to achieve the creaminess and lighter color.

What is a white angel at Dutch Bros?

The White Angel is white chocolate, vanilla, and coconut syrups that can be ordered in the same drinks. One of my favorite white chocolate drinks from Dutch Bros is Christmas Morning. It is a white chocolate chai breve, and it is the perfect Christmas drink.

What is Dutch Bros Annihilator?

The Annihilator® breve perfectly blends strong espresso, half and half and chocolate macadamia nut syrup to satisfy your cravings. Available hot, iced or blended!

What is a 911 at Dutch Bros?

The 9-1-1 packs six shots of espresso, half and half and Irish cream syrup into one strong, energy-packed drink! Ready for you to enjoy hot, iced, or blended!

What is in a Dutch Bros kicker?

There’s nothing more classic than a Kicker®! A delightful breve with a blend of espresso, half and half and Irish cream syrup gives you the kick you need to have an awesome day! Available hot, iced or blended!

What is in a vampire slayer rebel?

The Vampire Slayer is a frightfully delicious blend of strawberry and pomegranate mixed in our Dutch Bros Rebel™ Energy Drink!

What’s in a unicorn blood rebel?

This magical combination of strawberry syrup and almond syrup mixed with white chocolate sauce in our sparkling soda water is guaranteed to satisfy. Top it off with whipped cream or take it to the next level with a splash of cream!

What’s in a dino egg rebel?

Have you tried our DINOSAUR EGG REBEL!? It’s a blended blue raspberry rebel with a scoop flow of UNICORN BLOOD (aka strawberry, white chocolate, almond).

What’s in the electric Berry rebel?

The Electric Berry Rebel™ Energy Drink is a vibrant mix of lime syrup + blue raspberry syrup that will have you feeling electrified and energized when mixed with our Dutch Bros Rebel™ energy drink! Available iced or blended!

Does Dutch Bros do sugar Free rebels?

Dutch Bros Rebel Energy Drink – An energy drink created by Dutch Bros, customized by you. Also available in sugar free!

What is in a Capri Sun rebel?

Made with blackberry, cherry, vanilla, and almond, this Capri Sun Rebel is as exciting as it sounds. It’s smooth, refreshing, and a treat for your taste buds.